How to treat women suffering from adult acne (Part I)


When we discuss the subject of acne infestation (especially the T-Zone), we always seem to  focus on the younger generation who are in their teen or puberty years. The main reason for this is because we believe adolescents are more prone to acne outbreaks than adults. Even though there’s an element of truth here, the case for adult women who get hormonal acne should also be treated and this article will try and do just that.

Some myths about adult acne in women

Most of us have this psychological urge to escape the discomfort, pain and embarrassment of having acne.

We seem to have this self-conscious feeling that other people see you as a misfortunate part of human society (at least while you have acne) and that pity is all that you’re going to get.

Even many adult women (and adult men) used to entertain the belief that once they became adults (they were then adolescents who had acne), hormonal acne would be a thing of the past.

Some even believed that adult acne would be different from the type of acne which they suffered when they were in their teens.

In addition to having and entertaining these myths, adult women now may even be thinking that you may well just give and surrender to hormonal acne. Why?

Because it looks like the medications that existed in their teen years were not successful and acne is still popping up everywhere in teens, adult men and women in front of their very eyes.

Stop and have a rethink!

There may be truth in what has been said above.

Yes, acne will most likely not disappear altogether, but another reality is that more and more types of treatments for acne, including hormonal acne especially in women are being churned out at phenomenal speed and amount.

The 10 ‘must-know’ facts about hormonal adult acne

In this article, rather than offering a discussion about the nature, efficacy, side effects and other aspects of acne treatment, we have decided to cover in detail the most pertinent facts about hormonal adult acne.

In doing so, we’d be providing you with the most essential facts that we have on adult hormonal acne so that you are familiar with them and can identify and act according to the advice we’ve provided for you in this article.

The following consists of the ten facts which you need to know about adult hormonal acne,

  1. Acne also occurs in adults

You may have developed the notion that the acne you had when you were in your teens may have found a way to cling onto you when you became an adult and you’d be correct in believing so for the following reasons:

  • hormonal acne appear as red, painful and sensitive bumps just beneath your skin surface after puberty because medications can cause acne breakouts.
  • Certain known conditions such as polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) can also cause acne breakouts
  • Hormonal fluctuations is also another contributing factor which is the most common cause for acne breakouts.


  1. Women are more susceptible to getting acne

Acne has no favorites as it about equally affects everyone, men and women during puberty but come adulthood, the story changes which acne striking one gender in particular. But which one? You’d be correct if you said the women.


The women are more likely than the men to be infested with acne and the reason is pure and simple. It’s their hormones!

Another reason is that acne has the propensity to be genetic, meaning that if your parents had acne during their lives, you have a sure chance of getting it as well.


  1. Mistaken identity of Rosacea and adult hormone acne

Most of the time we always think of ‘acne’ whenever red bumps appears on someone else’s face or our own, as pimples and because we believe that all pimples are acne the bumps are sure to be ance. However, this may not be correct.

There is another skin condition called Rosacea which also causes red, acne-like pimples especially on the facial area.

It mostly makes its first appearance when a person becomes an adult and as such is often wrongly called ‘adult acne’.

There are many types of skin conditions that cause pimples so if you are uncertain as to whether or not you are actually looking at the beginnings or a breakout of acne, you should consult your doctor to make sure you are looking at the beginnings of acne.


  1. Hormones can impact your skin in a big way

It’s known that the appearance of acne during teen years occurs due to fluctuations or changes that take place during your puberty.

These changes specifically involve your hormones that play a significant role in developing acne during your adult years.

It’s not unusual for women to experience acne breakouts when they are about to have their period.

It’s also no secret that menopause and perimenopause are also prime times for the sudden appearance of acne during a woman’s life.

You should also be aware that any changes that trigger major shifts in hormones has the propensity to trigger acne.


  1. The role of pregnancy in developing hormonal acne

The most pertinent aspect of pregnancy in so far as it effects acne development is that it can also alter your skin.

Amazingly, the skins of some women are at their best during pregnancy, but for others, this stage of their lives can be a time of great disturbance in the form of acne breakout

Even after you’ve delivered your baby, you may not have completely severed relations with your acne because there’s postpartum acne to contend with and overcome.

If you do opt to have your acne condition treated while you are pregnant you should also consider the your growing baby. You should discuss the matter with your OB/GYN or your dermatologist for treatments of acne for you.


Despite any mistaken impressions about the status of acne during your teenage years and the problems involved in dealing with it, there’s another more positive way of looking at hormonal adult acne in the present context. This new perspective is only possible to have by realizing that now there’s more know- how and better capabilities, and more hope in dealing and living with hormonal adult acne as part of life as a treatable condition.